Sunday, November 23, 2014

A very personal poem


A decade ago I sat outside
I looked for beauty
I would find enough to justify little gifts from God
Hummingbirds who took the bait
Blue jays who played in the trees
 The place that I created; a little spot to hide the rest
Big enough that if you set your gaze just right
You could only see beautiful
Sometimes I sat and did nothing but find the beautiful
I would become filled with wonder
 That the woodpecker joined me for coffee
That the eagle circled overhead
I pretended that there wasn’t any darkness inside that door

Sometimes I was inspired enough to write things that nobody would read
To sing even when I was told to be quiet
I laughed and danced and loved
Sometimes, if I were really lucky, they joined me
I hugged and kissed them all
I wondered if they would ever know
How big my heart grew when I looked at them
How lucky I felt to have them
Its how I was able to go on
I was given these little gifts from God
Signs that it was all okay

Now, in the courtyard
There are only things that I have placed there
The little deer that belonged to grandma
The wind chime I bought as a token of freedom
I haven’t charmed the hummingbirds just yet
But, there is peace here
There is never a need to escape from what is inside the door
There is never a need to play the game of finding gifts from God

Now, when I am inspired I sing, write, or dance
I have no critics
They still lack an understanding of the way my heart grows when I look at them
They are not all here for me to hug and kiss
My heart aches for more, but rests in the knowledge that they have better now
There is no veil over the truth
Someday, if I am really lucky, they will all join me
And we will see the beautiful


Unknown said...

Peace, that is what you deserve... what we all deserve, beautifully written and titled. Oxox

Bettie said...

Thank you, Melody. <3

Unknown said...

This is such a dark and moving poem Bettie...I want to scoop you up as a child and hold you, running my fingers through your hair, kissing your cheek soft and singing you a little song, like I do for my girls when their hearts grow weary. You deserve that memory. Much love to you. -Jenn